Let's hope they're gals, anyway. I really don't want to eat them.
This is the little girl our neighbors brought over to us! Isn't she too cute? If I stick my hand in her box she runs over and jumps into my palm. She's a sweetie.
This is our second chick from our friends the Turners. They "accidentally" came home with 6 little guys from their trip to tractor supply, and I asked if we could have one to keep our little girl company. Notice she has feathers on her feet!!
Here they are together on the kitchen counter (I couldn't get a good picture of them in their box!). They are just so fun and cute!
I think the first one is a rhode island red, but I'm really not sure. The second is some sort of bantam, I think, with the feathers on her feet. I really don't know though... we'll see when they grow up! If you know what they are, please let me know!
Today is just lovely-- it's misty and cloudy, and it's thundering! I think we're in for a storm... the perfect day for lounging around in jammies, drinking tea, reading books, cuddling Ezekiel, and folding laundry....
Your new chickies are very cute! It will be fun to see what kind they grow into, especially the one with the feathered feet! I'm lovin' this thunder, too. It's so exciting for the kids and the rain means I don't have to water the garden today! Thanks for watering for me, God! By the way, that's so cool that you learned how to make soap with Jessy, will you teach me sometime? BTW, I got water-bath canning stuff so we can learn how to put up food. All us gals (including Jessy) really need to get together again, maybe we could have a ladies night-in where we focus on doing one thing together (rather than a night-out so we don't spend the mega-bucks!)
I'm gonna just call you instead of writing a novel on your blog, girl!
Love ya,
Hey Kristin:
It's Bill, from Sustainable Traditions. The chick with feathered feet may be a Brahma. We have some Brahmas, and they have feathered feet.
Great pics. Thanks for sharing.
Ah yes, folding laundry, that's what I am supposed to be doing right now. Hmmm...I'm not so sure that's going to happen. I just sat down with a cup of coffee to do some blog reading and the laundry doesn't loook promising! hehe.
Love those chicks. I am SO jealous. Can't wait to start our little farm someday! I took my soap out yesterday and it smells SO good. I have it in the kitchen and the whole room smells like lavender. Love it!
Bill-- Thanks! I was hoping someone out there would know! :)
Jessy- Yeah, my laundry totally hasn't gotten folded yet... I've been knitting. :) :) :) I'm so glad your soap smells good! I was hoping the scent would be strong enough. :)
The first one is a Rhode Island Red and the second one is most likely a Blue Cochin. The ones that I have seen are quite a bit larger than most chickens but this one may be a bantam breed.
Your new babies are cute...we have 9 hens and one rooster...we are hoping the neighbors don't get too upset about him. We would have to sell him.
Your little man is adorable...
I see on your blog list that you have a link to Real Milk too!! We found a family that we get raw milk from once a week,. My husband makes cheese, kefier milk and butter from it...
Have a wonderful weekend
Renee- Welcome to my blog!
We've found that bribing the neighbors with eggs keeps them pretty happy, and no one has turned us in to the HOA so far (it's been years now). We don't have a rooster though--I hope you can keep him!
Don't you love raw milk? mmmm it is sooo yummy! :)
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