Friday, January 30, 2009


We are so excited about our new milk mommy, Julie!  I mentioned previously ( insert the Lost announcer guy's voice: "previously, on kristin's blog!") the milk share website and how we were hopeful to find someone to give us milk for Ezekiel.  Well we found someone, and her name is Julie.  She was a surrogate mother to twins who were born about a month and a half ago.  She has been giving her milk to the milk bank, but decided she would rather give it to someone "for free" instead.  (did I mention it costs $3.50 an OUNCE to buy milk from the bank?  And the donors do just that- donate- they don't get paid.)  We drove up to Austin yesterday to meet her and see if we would like to get milk from her.  We decided that this was a perfect opportunity, as she has been fully screened for any diseases/problems by both the surrogacy program AND by the milk bank- so we know that her milk is uncontaminated.  I am so thankful.  I can't even put it into words.  She is making 400 ounces a week!  Ezekiel takes less than 200 a week!  Julie sent us home with 300+ ounces which will last us for quite a while.  I am so so happy!  

I think I need to start actually writing about our farming endeavors again on this blog.  That's what it was originally intended for... of course we no longer have an awesome backyard farm.  But we do still want to farm and plan to do so in.... 1 year and 4 months.  We can't wait :) :)

Have I mentioned that I hurt my tail bone?  I don't know what I did, but it happened around the time Ezekiel came home, and since then I haven't been able to sit/stand/sleep/go down the steps without a lot of pain.  It's getting really old.  I don't know what exactly is wrong, but my legs are always stiff/falling asleep now, and I hobble like an old lady.  I mean going down the stairs is torture (up is ok).  :(  I think maybe I should go to the doctor.  I know there's not much they can do... it almost feels like if I could just crack my back that low, it would feel better.  Anyone else ever had this problem?  What did you do?  I already have a blow-up doughnut :)

May I say something about the new picture at the top of my blog?  (Yes, I may!) This picture was the background on our computer for a long time.  One day, I got on the computer and it was gone, replaced by a still lovely picture, but not my picture (I took this picture a few years ago driving to California).  I asked Daniel why he had moved it- and he said, "Because it's just a picture of some powerlines.  Why would you want that picture up?"  I had to laugh... my husband is so good at having different perspectives.  I, of course, see it as a lovely sunset.  

We need to go do something fun and interesting this weekend so I have something to blog about! :)  I hope you all have a great weekend!  


Unknown said...

I am so glad your milk lady is a keeper! How often will you have to travel back and forth to Austin? Talk to you soon. Aimee

Anonymous said...

Ummm... I broke my tail bone in a fall in 6th grade and I felt like what you described for a good 6 weeks. However, your back could be out of alignment and pinching a nerve...maybe a chiropractor could help?

Melissa said...

Wow...that's awesome that you found someone to donate milk. I've never known someone who actually did that even though I've heard about it many times. I'm excited to hear how it works out for you. I'm sorry that you milk supply diminished. I know another mommy who's baby was born August 16 and she is pretty much in the same situation...diminished milk supply and freezer that is almost empty. I'm curious as to why that is happening...were you solely pumping?

Sarah said...

Hooray for Julie! :) I'm glad things are going well for you all.

saylor days said...

i am SO excited about your milk donor!! oh my gosh that's amazing. talk about best case scenario. yay for her. what a neat thing.
i broke my tail bone in -[apparently in 3 places the xrays say] years ago. and it took years to not bother me, as in sitting at the piano or on bench for more than a minute would hurt. but the falling asleep thing yes could be some sort of pinched nerve or many other things. i would highly recommend a chiropractor don't know what you think of them but if you find a good one it can be amazing.

Kristin said...

Ooooh wow I am so surprised to have 5 comments!

Aimee- I think probably just every couple of weeks. I guess until her freezer is too full to hold anymore milk! I don't mind the drive, though.

clarekin- welcome to my blog! Yes, I was thinking a chiropractor would be a good idea. We already know a nice one that my hubby used to go to.

Melissa- yes, just pumping. It's just been stedily declining since september and I haven't been able to get it back up (despite trying everything they say to try). We're dissapointed about that, but I am so thankful God has provided milk anyway! I'm still pumping a few ounces a day, and don't plan to stop.

Anonymous said...

KRistin -

I am so glad you found a milk donor. What an answer to prayer! What a blessing she is!


Jessy, Greg, Grace, Jack, Nora, and Lexi said...

What a relief I'm sure. I pumped for 6 months with Jack....ugh...didn't attempt that again with Nora. What a time. Anyways, glad that you found something that will work for you. Austin is a fun town too...lots to do there!

Anonymous said...

How did you hurt your tailbone? I know after I delivered Geoff, my knee kept hurting for a couple of months -until I went to a chiropractor about my back (because of carrying Geoff around - he was so heavy). Anyway, I mentioned my knee and he tapped a couple of times on my lower back - way low, and said something got out of alignment during the birth, and within 2 days, my knee quit hurting! Strange but true.

Kristin said...

anonymous person- are you susie? :)Yes, I think that maybe something is out of alignment. I don't know what i did- I just remember it starting to hurt. I'm hoping if I go see the doctor or the chiropractor that they can just magically fix it :)

Olive said...

when olive was little i had pinkeye over and over and had to use drops that were not kosher with breastfeeding. so michelle (rigsby of course) gave me enough milk for a week until i got off of them. ive had several friends ive shared milk with. i dont think its a big deal and im happy people are also comfortable with it.