Friday, February 6, 2009

Happy 6th month Birthday Ezekiel!!

Happy 6 month birthday Ezekiel!  We love you so much!



saylor days said...

he looks so much like you! but i see daniel too. oh my goodness he is really cute kristin. are those beanie babies? please know i watch every video you post of him at least 8 times in a row.

Unknown said...

Happy 6 mos. Zeke! We especially love the picture where Daniel is reading Dare to Discipline with his still tiny infant in his arms. :) And he looks so much stronger in the video and his hair is so much more red! We love you! Aimee and Nathan

Anonymous said...

oh, kristen, the progression of these pictures makes me so happy for you!!!! go, ezie!!! and he is so handsome!

Aaron, Sarah, and Emily Walter said...

Crazy how it has been 6 months!!! Can you believe it???!!! Great pictures! What a strong boy now-good work!!

Anonymous said...

good morning, you don't know me, but i went to your blog from my niece's and found this so interesting. Cute little guy, reminds me of my niece's boy, Jackson, who was born so prematurely and is now a very, normal, healthy and "all boy" little boy. my niece is " and I'm her AUNT GINNY

Kristin said...

Hi Aunt Ginny! Jessy's hubby, Greg, was one of our NICU nurses (our favorite one)! Welcome to my blog, we're glad to have you :)

It's amazing how little preemies can recover and thrive. Our son is doing very well, and we are so, soo thankful. :)

Paige said...

Kristin! What a small world! I had no idea that you followed Julie and her family in Tennessee! I've known them since I was about 5 years old! They're SUCH dear friends of ours!

Kristin said...

Paige- I TOTALLY found their blog from YOUR facebook, and I love it! They seem like wonderful people! :) :)

Paige said...

Haha, that's awesome! They're wonderful. Dan and I are looking to relocate to their area after grad school--you'll have to come visit!

Kristin said...

We would love to visit you! We're planning to settle in Kentucky in about a year. I can't wait to get back to that area- it's so beautiful :)