Monday, February 23, 2009

A Fail and a Win

I couldn't decide which one I liked best, so I put them both up.  The second one took me a second... I said to Daniel, I know this should be really funny but I'm not getting it.  He informed me it's the giant cool-aid pitcher.  Remember those commercials?  Somehow explaining all that may have taken the funny-ness out of it.... hmm....  Anyhoo enjoy!

fail owned pwned pictures

see more pwn and owned pictures

fail owned pwned pictures
see more pwn and owned pictures

1 comment:

saylor days said...

i took a few days and read every stinkin' page of failblog and it was glorious. the videos! did you see the recent video 'stats fail'? we laughed pretty hard at that. i didn't realize it was the kool-aid guy either! that makes it more funny.