So I've stopped using deodorant. It's great-- because I've been using the "all natural" stuff for years now but it's never really worked, so I always smelled like, oh, stinky peaches, stinky lavender, whatever. But NOW I'm just using baking soda, and it's the best deodorant I've ever used! I mean it works for like 2 days with no problems at all. And i've given it a few tests, like hours of yard work in the Texas heat, walking a few miles (still in the texas heat), etc. And it has yet to fail me! I'm so excited because it's soooo dirt cheap and it works so sooo good. Here's what you do: just keep a small bowl of baking soda in your bathroom, wet the tips of your fingers, stick wet fingers in baking soda, and then rub whatever is stuck on your fingers into your pits. Tada, you will be stink-free for 2 days! Try it and let me know what you think!
Ok I think I'm off to be productive, as Ezekiel is taking a nap.
ok that probably grosses people out, but i'm excited to try the BS, as in baking soda. cuz i've tried several natural ones too, with no success! we already have a container of BS in the bathroom for colin's hair! ha. we usually don't use anything if we aren't doing much but yah in this muggy summer we need something. who visited from camp!?
The Spains, as in Barry and Joyce + Cory's fiance, Julie. Also a cousin and girlfriend.
Really you think that grosses people out? Sorry guys if any of you were grossed out.
i think the idea of taking your fingers and rubbing your armpits with baking soda, yah, i think it would gross people out. but i'm glad it doesn't gross you out and it's your blog anyway so who cares!
I just completely fail to understand how it could be gross. Hmm. Poll? ;)
Not grossed out at all as I have been rubbing baking soda in my pits for months, however, I had a "reaction" last week when I washed my extra stinky pits with soda and then generously applied mote after my shower. Like a really bad itchy armpit rash. So we went and bought some deoderant without the bad stuff and that is a total failure. Now I am back to trying to find a replacement. Or maybe I'll just try to use a little less soda when applying. I haven't been getting my fingers wet though, and it still works really well. I just rub a small palm full in one armpit over the toilet or garbage (to minimize waste and actually use the fallen deo) and transfer the extra in my palm to the other hand and do the same. Nathan said it probably got my pH off balance and caused the rash, so I'm still wary, but after scrubbing my pits and still smelling the way I do, I'm not sure I have any other choice.
Not to vary from the baking soda theme....but I saw Veronica Daw at the funeral home tonight (Wayne Wilder, Sr. died), and she said to tell you and Daniel hi, and she hopes you come to camp!
Back to the baking soda theme:
I also use baking soda to scrub my face a couple of times a week. It's a wonderful exfoliant.
Back to the baking soda theme:
I also use baking soda to scrub my face a couple of times a week. It's a wonderful exfoliant.
Very interesting..I'm going to try it, methinks!
Also, the trailer looks like quite the adventure! Can't wait to hear all your stories!
baking soda isn't gross but rubbing your fingers in your armpits is for some people! cuz people are weary about armpits. the general public- not me, i don't get grossed out like...ever. but the general public...when i try to tell them things i do they sometimes stop me cuz it's too uncomfortable for them! anyhow i'm off to try it! haha
me again... signed into a different accnt.
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